Saturday, 26 July 2014
Vape Gear and easyJet Part Two...........
So the story continues...........
This Monday morning just gone (21st July 2014) I got up far too early and awaited my collection, my Driver from Alpha Executive Cars arrived and to be fair even at stupid o'clock in the morning this chap was cheery, polite and very helpful. The car was roomy, spotlessly clean and very comfortable, so fantastic start to the day.
Then it was off to Stanstead Airport to head off to Sunny Edinburgh, now was the lovely lady from easyJet correct with the information she gave me about my vape gear???? Well fair play to her, she was absolutely spot on in every way. Got to check in, handed over my bag with the vape gear I was advised to put in the hold included and happy days it disappeared off to the mystical areas where the Baggage Handlers live with no problem whatsoever. Then it was off to security for the next part of my airport journey, this wasn't quite so easy but in all honesty I expected them to be thorough (for our safety in the skies) and they were. So all my electronic gadgets and goodies went into a grey tray, whereupon the Security Lady asked about my e-liquid and vape gear. Once I had shown her what I had and explained what it was, she was more than happy to send it through the scanner. So went through the archway minus belt, shoes etc etc. And appeared after a pat down and a going over with the wand checking for metals etc. Again no issues really apart from a sigh from a different security lady as I happened to have forgotten to take off my watch (as I said it was very early).
All my belongings came out of the security scanner with no issues and I was allowed to put everything back in my bag, then it was off for a brew whilst waiting for the plane. Well I say plane, it was quite small in size this plane, almost as if it had shrunk in the wash but it did the job and got me to Edinburgh safe and sound. After a week of hard work it was back to Edinburgh airport this afternoon (25th July 2014) which was a far more streamlined version of Stanstead. Again all gadgets and vape gear in a tray, through the archway (remembering to remove my watch this time) with no issues, repacked my bag and then off for a drink and bite to eat whilst waiting for the plane. After some food and a delay on takeoff thanks to crappy weather in London back on the plane I went, finally got home later than I expected with an empty tank on my Romuluz (thankyou to Midlands Vaping for the Romuluz, a review will follow) which thanks to the fantastic design of the Romuluz was a very simple issue to resolve. So after a quick clean I refilled the tank with some Mr Blue Sky also from the lovely people from Midlands Vaping (again review to follow) and took a well earned seat on the sofa with a full tank of e-liquid and a brew. This Romuluz Hybrid is top notch I haven't put it down since I got it, I absolutely love it.
Anyway to some my rambling up, the whole Vape Gear and easyJet thing went off without a hitch and was exactly how the easyJet lady said it would be "no problem whatsoever" the whole deal both on the way to Edinburgh and back again was seamless with no issues at all, although I have to say Edinburgh Airport staff are far more streamlined and security was a somewhat speedier experience.
Sunday, 20 July 2014
Lime Sparkle by Fair City Vapes
Now I'm sure a lot of you have heard the two words Lime and Sparkle mentioned, or seen those same words mentioned on forum pages or "what are you vaping" threads on Facebook pages and typed them into your Google search bar to come up with pretty much nothing that would help you to get your hands on any. This liquid is made by Fair City Vapes which until recently didn't show up on Google with purchase information, just loads of people raving about it. This for me was very disappointing and kind of stressful, on the one hand all these people were banging on about Lime Sparkle so it must be pretty damn amazing right? On the other hand it was surely just an e-liquid so could it really be that good? After more forum reading and and scrolling through Facebook vaping groups and very, very regularly seeing Lime Sparkle being mentioned I asked someone where I could get this stuff, I needed to try some to find out for myself if this was as great as it was being made out to be. I got pointed to someone called Edward on Facebook so I sent him a message. I got a reply from Edward with all the information needed to get my hands on some, it comes in 0,6,12,18 and 24mg nicotine strengths, is a 50/50 PG / VG mix and you can choose from either 30ml or 50ml. The 30ml is £12 and the 50ml is £20 excluding postage, so not mega money compared to some e-liquids I've seen advertised. So I thought to myself.... why not, the worst that can happen is i don't like it and I can very likely sell it quite easily if I don't. So I gave a 30ml bottle a go, waited for Pat to push it through the door and stuck some in the tank. It came through nicely packaged and really really quickly, they don't hang about. The bottles the e-liquid comes in are excellent, they're very sturdy bottles with the child proof caps you see on tablet bottles you get your medication in, when you get that cap off..... you take your first whiff of Lime Sparkle and it smells absolutely lovely and when you get it in the tank and have your first vape it tastes even better than it smells. It's a refreshing Lime flavour that isn't so overpowering that it messes with the overall experience of the vape anymore than its a weak and muted flavour that just makes you wonder why you made the effort to get it in the first place. It's just about perfect... and the Sparkle, well it just sparkles and does exactly as the name suggests. This liquid is a perfect all day vape and as an added bonus it's pretty damn good as a remedy for vapers tongue too. There is as far as I can see only one issue with this liquid, which is only an issue if your using a plastic tank. This liquid is a potential tank Cracker so you definitely need to bear that in mind, to be fair as far as I'm concerned it's simply worth buying an atomiser that has a pyrex tank just to try this liquid, it is that good. Now the best news as far as I'm concerned is that they now have a website to purchase this liquid from which by all accounts will be up and running fairly soon, there is also now an option for a 100ml bottle which comes in at £40 plus postage, there is also a Facebook page that makes them nice and easy to find aswell. I have to be honest until recently, I didn't realise they made other flavours but they do, their menu has the following flavours
- Lime Sparkle
- Tropical Sparkle
- Raspberry Lemonade
- Blackcurrant Blush
- Diablo Verde
Wednesday, 16 July 2014
Cool Breeze E-Cigarettes E-Liquid Review
I have here some E-Liquid from the lovely people at Cool Breeze E-Cigerettes, I was contacted by Linda via her Facebook page and was given the opportunity to try some of their CoolTeezer range of e-liquid, it arrived quickly in a nicely padded envelope. This is a 100% VG made in the UK e-liquid, available in 36mg, 24mg, 18mg, 12mg, 6mg and zero nicotine strengths. This e-liquid has no Ethyl Alcohol, no Diacetyl and no additives with a consistency of a 50/50 mix. So let's get down to what I thought about them...*
Cherry Bakewell
I took the cap of this e-liquid gave it a squeeze and
the smell you get is absolutely lovely, (I do have a soft spot for cherry based e-liquid) so in the tank it went. For me this is a much nicer liquid with a higher resistance coil behind it, I did try it with a lower build and it didn't do anything for me at all. I found it a very pleasant vape and with it being heavy VG the plume of vapour that I was able to produce with minimal effort and no dripper insight was excellent, a real dense plume that had a nice lingering bakewell smell. I really liked this flavour, and it's only got better the longer it's been left to steep.
Ice Cool Menthol
I do like a good strong menthol so was hoping this Cool version
would make my brain freeze and my lips turn blue but it just didn't..... until I tweaked the build and changed the drip tip. Then it was a different story, I then started getting a really cold feeling in the back of my throat and on the exhale I could feel the ice on my lips. Now if I'm honest this isn't the strongest menthol I have vaped, but it's actually pretty damn good. Again the plume of vapour you get with this is very satisfying, a dense cloud on every exhale, this is a definite keep in your stash e-liquid that will be handy for those that suffer with the dreaded "vapers toungue" aswell as those like me that just like to keep a good solid menthol in rotation. A definite contender for my next menthol e-liquid purchase.
Key Lime Pie
This had a fantastic smell with the cap off, this one I really
wasn't too sure of on my first try, so I left it a while and came back to it a day or so later and I'm glad I did (give it another try I mean) I wouldn't say this was the most amazing take on Key Lime Pie but... It smells like Key Lime Pie and it actually isn't that bad after a bit of steeping. If you vape this you can definitely tell what the flavour is supposed to be. I was sat talking with a good friend of mine and without telling him what flavour it was I asked him if he was able to determine the flavour purely by the smell that lingers in the cloud and he got it almost straight away. I have found myself almost without thinking just refilling the tank when the level got too low instead of thinking about changing the flavour because it was low. So overall definitely worth giving this one a go.
Banana Nut Bread
I was warned by Linda that this particular flavour was an
acquired taste and not an instant hit with everyone, so I had the first vape expecting to perhaps not get on with this one at all. But it wasn't bad to be fair, perhaps not one I would vape often or one I would instantly refill the tank with once it got low, but as a now and then vape, for a change its not bad. This is the kind of liquid that when you go looking through your stash for something different for a change you'll come across this one and be quite pleased you've got some.
This was another case of smells great but didn't taste great,
perhaps Banana flavour liquids are just not for me. It wasn't a case of "this liquid is terrible" so off down the plug hole you go but was definitely the kind of liquid that I was glad I didn't fill the tank to the top with. It wasn't so bad I couldn't or didn't want to vape with it, but one that I don't think personally I would want more of. I tried it with a few different atomisers and it tasted better in some than it did in others but not good enough for me to want to vape with very often. The Banana Nut Bread for me was the better Banana flavour liquid of the two Banana flavours I had to try.
These liquids are, I think very reasonably priced at £3.75 for a 10ml bottle. The ones I had for review were all 12mg in strength except the Banana Nut Bread which was a little higher at 18mg. If you like to chase clouds this liquid is perfect for you, due to it being a heavy VG liquid the clouds will be dense and massive.
Thank you Linda from Cool-Beeze-E-Cigs for letting me sample some of your e-liquid my favorites I think were the Key Lime and the Menthol.
* What is written above are my personal thoughts and opinions only, everyone's tastes are different and because I have liked or disliked a particular liquid shouldn't and doesn't mean you will too. Please take my opinion as it was intended, not as a reason to purchase or avoid, but rather to help you make your own decision based on your own research, budget and requirements.
Tuesday, 15 July 2014
Vape Gear and easyJet
People on different Facebook pages have been asking about vape gear on planes etc a lot just recently, so as I'm due to fly off to sunny Scotland (a fancy hotel in Edinburgh as it goes) I thought I'd take the opportunity to speak to easyJet to find out first hand about their policy's on flying with vape gear.
Well what can I say I've heard as much positive as negative stuff about easyJet over the years so I wasn't expecting to much from my phone call to them if I'm honest. But I'm pleased to report that after the initial period of listening to the generic robot with conversational options, I held the line pressing none of them till I got through to a lovely, helpful lady who was more than happy to help (nice one easyJet).
I explained that I would be flying with them on Monday morning and as a vaper would I have any issues boarding one of their planes with vape gear safely and properly stored in my hand luggage. She went away to check the company policy's (or maybe just asked the person on the desk next door who knows) and when she came back on the phone I was told that I would have no problem carrying my vape gear in my hand luggage, the only stipulation would be no vaping on the plane, which is fair enough I knew that wouldn't be allowed anyway. I then went on to ask about coils (kanthal wire and tools etc.) Again the cheery voice came back saying no problem but it would need to be stowed away in the hold. What a positive result from easyJet. I did in a final attempt, to make sure we were on the same page explain that I wasn't referring to a cig-a-like type device and this bit did surprise me, she said " no I know exactly what you mean a battery, a tube and a thing on top"
I was then asked if I had any further questions, which I didn't really what else could I ask? The conversation then ended with a have a nice day and hope you enjoy flying with easyJet.
Now the proof in the pudding will be when I get to Stansted Airport on Monday morning, it'll go one of two ways I suppose.
Option one :- it'll go exactly as the lovely lady from easyJet said it would and there will be absolutely no issues at all, in which case happy days. Or it'll be
Option two:- it doesn't. Time will tell.
We shall see...................
Monday, 14 July 2014
18350 SS Stingray with Fogger v4
So today has been a busy day, some stormy weather plenty of rain and I fancied a change. So as I got some new Purple Efest 18350 batteries this week I decided to give them a nice full charge and then reach for my stainless steel Stingray and my Fogger V4. Now I have been using a Stingray for quite a while, but never in 18350 configuration ( it's a 22mm diameter mechanical mod with a magnetic switch arrangement that measures 58.3mm in height when configured to accept my Fogger V4 flush with the top cap.) It has proved to be a somewhat surprising experience. It fits nicely in my hand, allowing it to be fired with my little finger. Now the thing that surprised me was the fact that as I am so used to everything I have being
configured for or only able to be used in 18650 mode I thought that I would just find it awkward or just plain weird but I was wrong, I like it, I like it a lot as it happens, it is now small enough to be almost completely concealed by my hand and it fits in my pocket a lot easier. The battery as I mentioned above is a Purple Efest flat top 10.5 amp 18350 that is a tiny little power house to be fair, it has the guts to supply plenty of power to the dual coil setup I have in my Fogger which is around 1.2 ohms so all is good. I think 18350 configuration is extremely useful especially for anyone not wanting to carry a large setup around with them, the Fogger isn't a small rebuildable atomiser at around 66 mm but all in including the drip tip it sits at 124.4mm which really isn't a lot all, considering the same Fogger and drip tip on my Raijin mod sits at around 163mm in total length. It would be even smaller with a little dripper attached instead. It's certainly a stealthy size if you don't want to draw attention to yourself whilst your out and about. Quite good for the ladies too (before anyone thinks it, I'm not being sexist here, I have seen posts from lady vapers asking for recommendations on a mod that doesn't weigh a lot and isn't too big.) I think I'll be using this configuration a lot more often, even more so since I noticed the other day that this mod fits very nicely in the pen pocket slot on my Snickers work trousers. Who knew that Snickers would have had the forethought to cater for vapers when they designed their range of work wear. OK perhaps they didn't intend to do so, perhaps it's just a little fortuitous that a 22mm mod and atomiser is similar in dimensions to a marker pen. But kudos to Snickers really it just works. Anyway enough now as I'm kind of heading off on a tangent, so I'll stop there I think. Thanks for taking the time to read my blog, comments are welcome and if you like my blog then feel free to hit the follow button.
configured for or only able to be used in 18650 mode I thought that I would just find it awkward or just plain weird but I was wrong, I like it, I like it a lot as it happens, it is now small enough to be almost completely concealed by my hand and it fits in my pocket a lot easier. The battery as I mentioned above is a Purple Efest flat top 10.5 amp 18350 that is a tiny little power house to be fair, it has the guts to supply plenty of power to the dual coil setup I have in my Fogger which is around 1.2 ohms so all is good. I think 18350 configuration is extremely useful especially for anyone not wanting to carry a large setup around with them, the Fogger isn't a small rebuildable atomiser at around 66 mm but all in including the drip tip it sits at 124.4mm which really isn't a lot all, considering the same Fogger and drip tip on my Raijin mod sits at around 163mm in total length. It would be even smaller with a little dripper attached instead. It's certainly a stealthy size if you don't want to draw attention to yourself whilst your out and about. Quite good for the ladies too (before anyone thinks it, I'm not being sexist here, I have seen posts from lady vapers asking for recommendations on a mod that doesn't weigh a lot and isn't too big.) I think I'll be using this configuration a lot more often, even more so since I noticed the other day that this mod fits very nicely in the pen pocket slot on my Snickers work trousers. Who knew that Snickers would have had the forethought to cater for vapers when they designed their range of work wear. OK perhaps they didn't intend to do so, perhaps it's just a little fortuitous that a 22mm mod and atomiser is similar in dimensions to a marker pen. But kudos to Snickers really it just works. Anyway enough now as I'm kind of heading off on a tangent, so I'll stop there I think. Thanks for taking the time to read my blog, comments are welcome and if you like my blog then feel free to hit the follow button.
Thursday, 10 July 2014
Copper Penny Mod and Copper Tobh v2
Hi all my postie delivered a nice bit of vape mail for me today, I entered a competition and got picked as a winner!!! Yet again proof Facebook competitions are worth entering so come on people for a tiny bit of your time it can be well worth while. I would like to thank the person who hosted the competition Vape Reviews With Az and the people who supplied the prize Steve & Katie at Angelfiremods. This Copper Penny Mod is fantastic it's nice solid copper that looks really good hits hard and has a penny for the switch button, it's a 22 mm 18650 tubed mechanical mod with locking ring that has a lovely bottom firing spring filled switch that doesn't fire if you put it down without locking it as the switch is nicely recessed.
The Copper Dripper on top Is the TOBH version 2 which as drippers go is a really really good option for any vaper, nice finned top cap which acts as a a method of
heat dissipation to do... well to dissipate heat using Bernoulli's Priciple,it's a 22 mm dripper with a stainless steel deck and Copper outer sleeve/top cap, the negative posts are an integral part of the deck which means they will not move and have post holes big enough to handle most grades of Kanthal so whether you want a dual or quad coil build your pretty much covered. The outer Copper cap has three 1.5mm air holes on each side of the cap which you will need to line up with your coils which when all fully open let masses of air through to feed those coils, I have this wicked with a dual coil build that measures around 1 - 1.1 ohms (2 coils with 8 wraps of 0.25 Kanthal) and I'm getting some very decent clouds come from it (I am by no means a cloud chaser, however if I decide to in future I'm covered with this dripper). Overall I really like these two items as a pair they look good to
together they work really well together, the only possible down side that springs to mind is really quite minor, but it's the green finger syndrome that comes with handling copper. To some people that isn't an issue because they'll force a patina or will clear coat it which will solve that issue. Otherwise for this to stay looking nice it is going to involve a bit of time and some Cape Cod metal polishing cloth or some Brasso.
Again I would like to thank Vape Reviews With Az for holding the competition please watch his reviews and subscribe he's a really nice bloke and has some great video reviews and also to Steve & Katie from Angelfiremods there website has loads of shiny new mods and atomisers at fantastic prices, I have bought from them in the past, there service is excellent everything comes through well packaged and it really doesn't take long for your order to arrive either so definitely worth having a look at their website, you will, not be disappointed. Thanks for reading hope you found it useful.
Aaron has a Facebook group for vapers new and old, where you are free to ask questions without being laughed at. The group is quite new but new members are always welcome. The group is called We Be Vapers UK if we're lucky and Aaron gets tons of new members and YouTube subscribers perhaps he'll think about more giveaways in the future you never know.
Wednesday, 9 July 2014
Jedi Juice from Aeon E-Liquid
Hi all I have here some premium liquid called Jedi Juice from across the pond, I've had
This for a while now (yes it is a very large bottle) and I have to say this bottle looks great and the company were fantastic it only took six days for my postie to knock on the door with a box. It came very well packaged and arrived safe and sound.
Now for my thoughts*,
This liquid is described as being a Banana and Graham Cracker in flavour, I can best describe this with the help of an instant dessert from the 80's by the name of Bird's Banana Crunch. The Banana flavour comes through really well and tastes as Banana should and the Graham Cracker (biscuit type flavour) works really well with it. This liquid is 50% PG 50% VG and has a nic strength if 18mg. What else can I say really I have used this in my Fogger V4, Aerotank, Mini Protank 3 and a Tobh dripper it just tasted great in all of them really, I absolutely love this liquid and am so glad the bottle is huge. I would without any hesitation purchase more of this when my bottle is close to being empty, I don't want to run out.
This liquid wasn't given to me for the purpose of review at all I have to be honest, I did win this via a Facebook competition (Yes people do win on these competitions, like and share does pay off.). Having said this I still thought it more than worthy of being shared with you all even though I wasn't asked or required too by Aeon E-Liquid
This liquid is $10 plus shipping (and possible customs charges if appropriate) for 15ml which equates to £5.83 at the time of typing this. I don't think that's too bad at all to be fair. They have twelve flavours on their menu and I have to say I'm more than tempted to try some of the for me it's a definite winner I vape this a lot.
* What is written above are my personal thoughts and opinions only, everyone's tastes are different and because I have liked or disliked a particular liquid shouldn't and doesn't mean you will too. Please take my opinion as it was intended, not as a reason to purchase or avoid, but rather to help you make your own decision based on your own research, budget and requirements.
Cybercig E-Liquid Review

Hi all I was given some juice from to review and here are my thoughts and my opinions*.
This juice actually isn't too bad at all to fair, nice vapour production and pretty good taste from it too. It kind of reminds me of those jelly cherry sweets the ones that look like cherries. Would I buy this myself? Yes I think I would if I'm honest it wouldn't be my all day vape by any means but as a change it not bad.
Tutti Fruitti
This juice again is actually pretty good, I got a lot of berry type flavours coming through and again not bad vapour production either, this juice definitely brings back memories of those square Tutti Fruitti sweets I use to have as a child. Again not an all day vape but I would certainly keep some of this in rotation for a change. This for me was the best of the three I tested.
Banana Split
I so wanted this one to be good it smells really good when you take a whiff from the bottle but after giving it a vape it was really disappointing if I'm honest, there was a very slight banana taste with a terrible aftertaste and a strange background taste to it. I'm sorry to say I certainly wouldn't want anymore of this which is such a shame as it really did smell nice.
All the juices above came well packaged and really didn't take long to come through the door, they're £4.99 each for 10 ml or 3 for £9.99 with £1.92 postage. The mix ratio is 75% PG 25% VG. These juices are available from
I tested these in the following
Areotank( with stock and rebuilt coil heads), X.I, Mini Protank 3 on a Vision Spinner a basic Ego Battery a SVD and a Stingray
The above liquids are labelled as being " Made In China" if this bothers you then this is NOT the liquid for you.
* What is written above are my personal thoughts and opinions only, everyone's tastes are different and because I have liked or disliked a particular liquid shouldn't and doesn't mean you will too. Please take my opinion as it was intended, not as a reason to purchase or avoid, but rather to help you make your own decision based on your own research, budget and requirements.
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